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Zapytanie: BILEN
Liczba odnalezionych rekordów: 1

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AUT: Bilen Osman
TYT: The ||historicity of understanding and the problem of relativism in Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics / Osman Bilen.
WYD: [Washington] : The ||Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, [2000]
OBJ: IV,211 s., 23 cm,
SERIA: (Cultural heritage and contemporary change ; Ser. 1) - (Culture and Values ; vol. 27)(Cultural heritage and contemporary change ; Ser. 2A) - (Islam ; vol. 11)
DOD: Ind., bibliogr.
JĘZ: eng
ISBN: 1-56518-167-0 (pbk.)
Hasło przedm.: Hermeneutyka. *
Hasło przedm.: Gadamer Hans-Georg. *

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