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Zapytanie: FANEYE
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AUT: Faneye Michael Olugbemiga MSP
TYT: Cooperation in missionary action of the Church in the light of Canon 781 and "Redemptoris missio", 77: [Reflections on 10 Years of the Church Legislation and Magisterium on Missionary Action and Cooperation] / Michael Olugbemiga Faneye, MSP.
WYD: Roma : Pontificia Universitas Urbaniana, 1994
OBJ: XIII,318 s., 24 cm,
UW: Dissertatio ad Doctoratum in Iure Canonico Consequendum.
DOD: Sources and bibliogr. s. 275-308, index of subjects s. 309-314, index of canons s. 315-318.
JĘZ: eng
Hasło przedm.: Misje * prawo kanoniczne. *
Hasło przedm.: Jan Paweł II, papież * nauczanie. *

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